What makes it work
Products 产品
Your Influence 你的影响力
Tweebaa Coin T豆
Rewards 奖励

Discover the products of tomorrow or see your own products sell worldwide on the Tweebaa Earning Commerce platform. Tweebaa is unique in that, even if you have nothing to sell of your own, you are still able to earn from suggesting, evaluating & selling showroom products. There are a number of different ways you can earn from products:

您可以在推易吧的价值变现商业平台上发现新产品或者查看自己产品在全球范围内的销售。 推易吧的独特之处在于,即使您自己一无所有,也可以通过建议、评估和销售产品来赚钱。多种不同的方式可以让您从产品中获得收入:

Suggest Products – Sell Products - Evaluate Products – Invite Friends – Product Invention

建议产品 — 销售产品 — 评估产品 — 邀请朋友 — 产品发明

Suggest Products
You can earn simply by suggesting products that you think will sell on Tweebaa. For example, if you use a great hairbrush and think other people would like to buy it, you can suggest it to Tweebaa. You can suggest both physical and digital products. When you suggest a product, Tweebaa will evaluate it and if approved, they will then locate the product and list it for Presale. Once there is enough interest shown during Presale, the product will be added to the Product Showroom and you will start earning Tycoon Profit (commission) on every sale made, anywhere in the world, for as long as the product is sold on Tweebaa!
您可以通过建议您认为适合在推易吧上出售的实体或数字产品来获得收入。 例如,如果您在使用一款优质的梳子并且认为其他人也会有购买需求,就可以向推易吧推荐。推易吧将对您建议的产品进行评估。如果评估通过,推易吧将找到该产品并将其在预售产品中展示。 一旦在预售期间用户显示出足够的兴趣,该产品就会被添加到产品库,从此只要该产品在推易吧上产生销售,您无论在世界任何地方都将从每次销售中轻松赚取佣金!
Sell Showroom Products
When you sign up to Tweebaa, you instantly have your own Tycoonplace set up to sell products. All you need to do is visit the Product Showroom and select the products you wish to sell, and they will be automatically added to your Tycoonplace. You have countless products at your disposal and will earn commission on every product you sell, without having to do any order processing or shipping. Tweebaa does everything for you!
当您在推易吧注册时,您就可以立即设置自己的推主空间来销售产品。 所有您需要做的就是访问产品库,然后选择想要出售的产品。您可以轻松地将多个产品添加到您的推主空间,未来所售出的每件产品您都可以赚取佣金,并且不需要负责任何发货或物流等环节, 推易吧将为您做好一切!
Sell Own Products
Whether you are an owner or authorised distributor of volume products or have general new and used items you wish to sell, you can list them within your own Tycoonplace for other Tycoons to buy. You are also able to submit volume products for consideration to be listed in the Tweebaa Product Showroom. If your products are approved and listed, not only will they be available for you to sell in your Tycoonplace, they will also be available for all Tycoons around the world to add to their Tycoonplace and sell your products for you!
无论您是产品的所有者或授权分销商,无论您希望出售的是新产品还是使用过的二手物品,都可以在自己的推主空间进行销售,以供其他推主购买。 您也可以考虑将有价值的产品提交到推易吧产品库。 如果您提交的产品获准在产品库上架,它们不仅可以在您的推主空间出售,而且还可以被世界各地的推主们添加到自己的推主空间进行销售!
Evaluate Products
Product suggestions received by Tweebaa are entered into an Evaluation stage. Tycoons are able to earn simply by evaluating these products through the Discovery Page. You have the opportunity to provide your views on which products you think would be popular. Evaluation takes just a couple of minutes and involves answering a few yes/no questions and then adding a comment about the product. It is that simple and the more you evaluate, the more you earn!
推易吧收到产品建议后将会进入评估阶段。 推主们可以在“发现”页面通过评估这些产品轻松获取收益。 您可以对自认为将会流行的产品进行评估。 整个评估过程您只需回答几个是/否问题,然后写上您对该产品的评论,简单的几分钟就可完成全过程。 您评估得越多,您赚到的就会越多!
Invite Friends
When you join Tweebaa, you are given a unique invitation code to use for inviting your friends and contacts to join too. Once they join and add products for sale in their own Tycoonplace, you earn 5% of every product sale they make from that point on!
当您加入推易吧时,会获得一个独特的邀请代码,可用于邀请您的朋友和其他联系人加入。 一旦他们加入并在自己的推主空间中添加要出售的产品,从那时起您将享有他们所产生的每笔销售的5%作为佣金!
Product Invention
If you have a new invention but don’t know where to start, Tweebaa can help. Tweebaa work with inventors to develop their products throughout the whole process; concept, design, drawings, prototypes, feasibility, samples, production cost and manufacture. Our team of specialists carefully evaluate each and every product to make sure it achieves the highest standards and profit margin for our tycoons and when your product is ready, it will be listed for Presale to test the market. After a successful Presale, you will benefit from Tweebaa’s free marketing and promotion to other Tycoons around the world. You have the idea, Tweebaa makes it happen!
If you have a product invention, please let us know by emailing service@tweebaa.com
如果您有新发明但不知道从哪里开始,推易吧可以为您提供帮助。 推易吧与发明家们密切合作,可以对他们的产品进行全过程的开发。 从概念,设计,图纸,原型,可行性,样品,一直到生产成本和制造。 我们的专家团队会仔细评估每个产品的每个细节,以确保可以为推主们提供最高的产品标准和利润率,当所有环节都做好准备时,它会通过预售来对未来市场进行测试。一旦预售成功,推易吧将通过免费的市场运营来把产品推广到全球范围的推主面前,使您可以轻松获利。 只要您有好的主意,推易吧就可以实现它!
如果您有新产品发明,请联系我们 service@tweebaa.com
Presale is where suggested products and new invented products are sold in advance of when they are released. This allows Tweebaa to evaluate interest in the product. It is a great way to gauge a product’s potential and to test how well it will perform in our market. If a product reaches its Presale goal, it will then be featured in the Product Showroom.
预售是建议的产品和新发明产品在正式发布之前而进行的预先销售。 这是很好的方法使推易吧可以通过用户对该产品的兴趣度来进一步预估产品的潜力和未来市场表现。 如果产品达到预售目标,那么它将在产品库中被展示。
Product Showroom
The Product Showroom is a global platform for showcasing products. Tycoons from around the world are able to select the products they wish to sell in their own Tycoonplace. Not only does this instantly make your products available to a worldwide audience to sell in their Tycoonplace, it also provides you with products from around the world to sell in your Tycoonplace.
推易吧产品库是展示产品的全球平台。来自世界各地的推主能够选择他们希望在推主空间中出售的产品。 这不仅使您的产品立即可供世界各地的推主们选择并销售,同时也为您提供了可供销售的来自世界各地的产品。
购买 · 销售 · 建议 · 评估 · 收入
Your Influence

With the help of Tweebaa, now you can define your success and value based on your influence and engagement on the app. Explore the various ways you can become successful with Tweebaa!


Influence Flowchart
Influence Flowchart
Coming soon

Your TiV, or Tweebaa influence Value, is a measurement of your level of engagement on Tweebaa. The more engaged you are, the higher your score and the more TiV rewards you will receive. TiV automatically generates Tweebucks and so when you are rewarded TiV you are also earning Tweebucks. 

TiV is a system developed by Tweebaa to reward you for each and every activity you perform within the Tweebaa platform. This means that even your social media activity has value and will generate earnings. 

You start earning TiV points as soon as you sign up to Tweebaa. Everything you do, from simply logging in, liking and commenting on posts, to buying and selling products, is rewarded by TiV.

Your TiV score is also used to determine the level of sales commission you earn from selling Showroom Products. The higher your TiV score, the higher level of commission you earn! 

There are many activities on Tweebaa you can do to increase your TiV, and that’s because we appreciate your contribution to our community and reward you every step of the way!

您的TiV,就是您在推易吧的影响力值,是衡量您在推易吧上参与度的指标。您的参与度越高,您的分数和得到的TiV奖励就越高, 得到的TiV 还会同时自动产生T豆。所以当你收到TiV奖励时,也就意味着获得了更多的T豆。


注册推易吧即可开始获得TiV积分。 TiV会奖励您所做的一切,从简单的登录,点赞和评论帖子到买卖产品。

您销售推易吧产品库产品所获得的销售佣金级别,也由您的TiV分数来决定。 TiV分数越高,您赚取的佣金级别越高!



On Tweebaa, trading is done with its own virtual currency; the Tweebuck. Tweebucks work like any other currency, but they are only available to use within Tweebaa.

You start earning Tweebucks as soon as you sign up to Tweebaa. Every day that you are active on the platform, your TiV rewards are generating Tweebucks.

Tweebucks are used for buying and selling on Tweebaa and you can add to your balance anytime by purchasing them from our Tweebank (1 Tweebuck = $0.10 USD). You can let your Tweebucks balance build up to spend on Tweebaa, save it up and watch it grow, or you can convert to cash at any time by quickly and simply selling back into the Market. This typically takes 24-48 hours, and the funds will be deposited into your preferred cash account.

You are totally in control, and the more active you are on Tweebaa, the more TiV rewards you receive, and the more Tweebucks you earn!

在推易吧所有交易都使用自己的虚拟货币T豆来完成。 T豆的运作方式与任何其他货币一样,但只能在推易吧平台内使用。

注册推易吧即可开始赚取T豆。 每天您在平台上的活动都会有TiV奖励,这些TiV奖励会自动产生T豆。

T豆被用来在推易吧上进行买卖结算,您可以随时通过T豆银行来购买T豆(1 T豆 = $ 0.10 USD),直接为自己的T豆帐户充值。 您也可以把自己得到的T豆慢慢积累起来用以在推易吧上消费。当然您也可以随时通过T豆市场将它们卖出转换成法币,通常在24-48小时内,卖出所得的法币会进入您指定的帐户。
